Expand Memory and Recall–New Workshop




Joel is finishing the development of a new workshop to Expand Memory and Recall.  The initial workshop will be for 12 people who will receive preferred pricing for the workshop in return for their participation in the case study being run for the workshop.  Ideal candidates will be preparing for some kind of major exam (nursing “boards”, law “boards”, doctor “boards”, teacher certification, and college boards.  A second workshop is planned for students in K-12 schools.  The workshop will run for four hours (approximately) and the investment at preferred pricing is $125 per person.

If you are interested, send an email to joelmonty@joelmonty.com




Next “Take Charge of Your Moods” Workshop and Webinar

The next Take Charge of Your Moods workshop and webinar dates, times, and locations have not yet been set.

Visit the Take Charge of Your Moods page for more information.

Take Charge of Your Moods Workshop Well Received

The first offering of the 90-minute “Take Charge of Your Moods:  From Chaos to Calm in Just Seconds” workshop was well received by participants at the Living Well Cancer Resource Center in Geneva, IL (http://www.livingwellcrc.org) on Thursday, August 29, 2013.

The workshop ran for 86 minutes, with four minutes for completion of the feedback form.  Here is some of the feedback:

Workshop Feedback

What did you find to be the most valuable learning from the workshop?

  • (Take Charge of Mood anchor)-#2 (anger), #3 (neutral), #4 (calm & resource)–Great seminar, very resourceful–can us it–anyone, anywhere, everywhere, perfect 🙂
  • Using touch to anchor–back of hand (#4), 3 fingers together (#1)
  • My Anchor map
  • Anchor point exercise
  • The anchor chain–#2, #3, #4 (Take Charge of Mood Anchor)
  • To go to a peaceful, comfortable place
  • Moving from a negative emotion to positive calm by using anchors
  • You are (I am) in charge of your (my) “moods”
  • How to transform from angry mood to neutral to calm (Take Charge of Mood anchor)–Hope it works.
  • Really liked the Circle of Excellence (#1)–Glad you switched 🙂 (It replaced another anchor in this workshop)
  • Practical ways to change from anger to calm
  • 1-2-3 change moods (Take Charge of Moods anchor)
  • The anchor process seems very powerful
  • Assigning physical body parts w/ our anchors–it’s an easy way to remember our moods in everyday life.
  • “Anchors” are a helpful concept for me.

General feedback on the workshop:

  • Thank you–really powerful.  It can be used in so many places and in so many ways to help so many.
  • I feel calmer at the end of the workshop than when I walked in.
  • I really liked the breathing and how to gain calm through the (My) Anchor map.
  • Helpful, generous with information–(navigator’s) calm demeanor
  • A lot of material was provided in a short period of time.  It was very helpful for me because you used anger as the example.
  • This was an excellent workshop.  The navigator was very knowledgeable.
  • New information!  I’ll have to practice in order to integrate it.
  • He (navigator) was very understandable and it was very worth while.
  • I liked the practical experiences.
  • I enjoyed the partner stuff (exercises in creating anchors).
  • It was a good workshop.  I do think it would be fun to learn more techniques in the future. (More workshops are planned, covering different techniques)



New Workshop–Take Charge of Your Moods

JoelMonty.com is proud to announce a new workshop: Take Charge of Your Moods: From Chaos to Calm in Just Seconds.

This two-hour workshop involves hands-on learning of key techniques that can help you manage your moods–immediately and for the long-term.

Ideal for teachers, caregivers, parents, and professionals the concepts and techniques offered allow participants to improve their quality of life–and the quality of the lives of those they love and care for.

This workshop will be available in webinar format (on-line workshops) as well as having a review video for participants completing the program.

Down all workshop materials from this website. Check-out the Take Charge of Your Moods page.

Tell your friends.  The next workshop will be held in connection with the Holistic Health Celebration taking place in Geneva on Sunday, September 29, 2013.  (See the post for the celebration.)
Check-out the Take Charge of Your Moods page for details and to register.

The first workshop was held at the Living Well Cancer Resource Center in Geneva, Illinois, on Thursday, August 29, 2013.   See this post for workshop feedback.

You can schedule a workshop at your school or organization. Contact Joel Montgomery at 1-630-338-1405 or send him an email for details.