Sleep Apnea and CPAP-Dryout-Adapter

Sleep Apnea and CPAP Machines

Sleep Apnea is often caused by some kind of blockage of the airway and causes interrupted breathing during sleep. Think of someone holding their breath for a while, then breathing again. Sometimes people can have hundreds of “episodes” in one night. This causes wear and tear on the heart and other organs. An often prescribed solution is the use of a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine. This comes with tubing and either a mask or “nasal pillows.”


Rainout is condensation in the tubing of a CPAP machine. Most machines come with humidifiers. When the temperature of the air in the hose is warmer than the air in the room, condensation can form in the hose, causing water droplets to form and the wearer hears a gurgling sound. One quick solutions involve moving the CPAP machine to a position lower than the person lying down so the water goes back into the machine. (I’m not sure how good that is for the CPAP machine.) You can also wrap the hose with fabric to insulate it from the room air. You can adjust the temperature of both the room and the air going into the tube. You can purchase a heated tube which may eliminate the problem all together.

My experience

I was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea in 1994, and have been using a CPAP machine nightly since my initial diagnosis–except for occasional travel, etc. For me, the mask didn’t work well and I switched to nasal pillow. I am “positively addicted” to my CPAP machine. It helps me get rid of colds faster, gives me great air to breathe all night, and I really don’t sleep well without it.  Unfortunately, rainout comes with the territory.

I didn’t have too much trouble with rainout until summer hit. I don’t have my central air on and use fans in the bedroom. I stopped pre-heating the water in my humidifier. This summer I have had to change tubes as many as three times in one night because of rainout. On investigation, I saw that not all the water was draining from the tubes as they were left to dry during the day. That meant that my tubes already had moisture in them when I started using them in the night.

Having worked with a CPAP machine for so many years, I had some ideas on how to deal with rainout. Eventually, I went to Best Buy and purchased a $35 hair dryer with a cool setting.  On cool, the dryer can blow air into the tubes, drying them out. That was a good start. The extra challenge came that the blowing end of the hair dryer was much larger than the tubes, therefore the air wasn’t all going inside the tubes to dry them out.

I worked with that problem a little more and have come up with a practical solution that works for me. I have an adapter that fits into the CPAP tubes (of varying sizes). The adapter is about the same size as the CPAP Machine’s connection for the tube. Now I can direct all of the air from the hair dryer into the tube and can start with one end, then start from the other end, then blow dry the extension for the nasal pillows. This means I start out with dry tubes and can dry them again, as needed, whenever I want.

I haven’t moved my CPAP machine lower yet–I’m still not sure the impact the water might have on the machine.  I tried wrapping my tubes with fabric a few years ago and it wasn’t satisfactory. At the moment, I am happy with my most recent solution.


I’ll be happy to sell you an adapter and send it to you via first class mail for $9.99 plus tax.  Just click on the PayPal button to order.

Remember, you need to use this adapter with a hair dryer that has a cool setting or you may melt your tubes.   (You’ll need to subscribe to this website first. When you do, you’ll get a free gift.)

Joel Montgomery


$9.99 plus tax


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Adapter on a CPAP tube




       Adapter in use on CPAP tube with a hair dryer on COOL setting





Remember to use a hair dryer with a Cool Setting




I used one of the tubes I had dried out with the adapter and went 4.9 hours without any moisture in the tube. No liquid drained out of the tube when I removed it from the CPAP machine.


Update 2

Do not use this adapter with the newer, thinner, CPAP tubes. Even on a COOL setting the material of the tube may not support the heat of even a COOL setting.  (I melted my newest CPAP tube.) (I ordered replacement, standard CPAP tubes from

The adapter is now available on eBay.

Watch the demo on this post.




New Sign-ups Wanted

New Sign-ups Wanted

As I mentioned in an earlier post today, I’ve purged the files of everyone who had registered on this website before 2017, thinking that they have moved on in their lives. I have a new Aweber email list for the community and I’d love to have you use the form you see here to sign-up.

In return for your name and email, and your confirmation that you want to sign-up for the mailing list, I’ll give you a free MP3 recording of an In-Flight Relaxation Meditation that you can download.

Once you’ve signed-up, please visit this site and our Facebook page to see what’s new and to engage in conversation with the other members of this site.



Joel Montgomery

Retooling for New Directions

Hi, Everyone, is in the process of retooling to be ready for new products and services.

As a part of that, we are purging our email list of people registered before 2017, thinking those people have moved on to other areas of interest.  If you’d like to stay with us as we move into our new directions, please re-register.

Best Regards,

Joel Montgomery

Accountability and ILC Journey Mapping

Someone approached me recently and asked me about Accountability Coaching.  For me, accountability is a natural part of the Integrative Learning and Change (ILC) Journey Mapping process with ILC Navigation and Coaching as a follow-up.

When you create your Journey Map, you start from where you are, define your destination, and identify the stepping stones you need to achieve before you reach your destination.

As with all plans, things can come up which can require modification and change.

For people who want support in making the change, the ILC Navigation and Coaching services are available

JoelMonty-com Services Video on YouTube

Check-out’s Services video on YouTube!  This video gives a brief insight at some of the coaching services Joel Montgomery makes available through  See the pages of this website for more detail.

Expand Memory and Recall–New Workshop




Joel is finishing the development of a new workshop to Expand Memory and Recall.  The initial workshop will be for 12 people who will receive preferred pricing for the workshop in return for their participation in the case study being run for the workshop.  Ideal candidates will be preparing for some kind of major exam (nursing “boards”, law “boards”, doctor “boards”, teacher certification, and college boards.  A second workshop is planned for students in K-12 schools.  The workshop will run for four hours (approximately) and the investment at preferred pricing is $125 per person.

If you are interested, send an email to




Focused Change Services

Focused change services are available for teams, groups, and organizations–including schools, churches, hospitals, and nursing homes as well as large and small businesses.

Learning and Change navigation and coaching services are provided. A change navigation map will be created and progress toward the focused change can be measured against the map. The map provides a step-by-step guide for achieving your goals.

Special Summer Promotion in 2014–Clients in the West Suburbs of Chicago can take advantage of preferred rates during the summer season.

Services are available over the Internet as well.

Next “Take Charge of Your Moods” Workshop and Webinar

The next Take Charge of Your Moods workshop and webinar dates, times, and locations have not yet been set.

Visit the Take Charge of Your Moods page for more information.